You: Let us say that an evil accountant embezzles $10,000 from me. I know that he will be punished either in Heaven or on earth for his crime, and that his punishment will be proportional to his crime. I also know that stealing $10,000 from him would be an equal crime to his stealing $10,000 to me and would therefore punish him justly for what he has done. What is to stop me from breaking into his house and stealing $10,000 from him, in addition to the $10,000 he stole from me, of course, and believing myself to be in the right? Since I am sure that this man will be punished by God for his crime if he is not punished on earth, I am only saving the man from punishment in the afterlife.

Aaron: I must admit that you have a gift for thinking up bizarre arguments. Knowing that God will punish someone in the afterlife is no excuse for you punishing the same person during life. Only God truly knows the extent of the punishment that this thieving accountant deserves, and only God has the right to carry out that justice.

How do you respond?

  1. You must prove God. Go
  2. Can man never carry out justice? Go