You: People's actions are nothing but chemical reactions. Every time a muscle moves, every thought in our brain, every feeling in our flesh can be explained chemically.

Aaron: It is true that chemical reactions go on inside of a person, but a person also has a soul that makes him more than a bunch of reactions. It is this soul which provides free will and consciousness of self. You will find neither of those properties in reacting chemicals.

You: You might as well say that the spirit of the nose god is in elephants because you will never find a trunk in reacting chemicals. If you are going to postulate a soul, something unprovable, then you might as well go ahead and postulate God, allowing us to skip this whole conversation.

Aaron: I do not have to "postulate" the soul, I know for a fact that the soul exists. The truth is there in the Bible for anyone to see.

You: You know that means nothing to me. You will have to prove to me that your God exists before I can accept that any book is filled with his revealed knowledge.