You: For instance, there must be a perfect incarnation of evil.

Aaron: That is correct. Satan is perfectly evil.

You: Well, in order to be perfect, he's got to be quite powerful. Do you agree?

Aaron: Yes. Satan does have power to influence those who do not look to God for guidance.

You: In fact, in order to be perfect he'd have to be the most powerful thing in existance. That would make Satan more powerful than God, wouldn't it?

Aaron: No! God is the creator of all things. He is the most powerful force in the universe. Satan is powerful, but he is nothing next to the perfection of the Lord.

You: Then he's not all that perfect, is he? How could a perfect incarnation of evil be so easily defeated.

Aaron: Well then perhaps I spoke too soon. Satan is not a perfect incarnation of evil.

You: Then who is? There must be one somewhere. By your own logic, such a being necessarily exists.

Aaron: There is only one being which necessarily exists by my argument: God.

How do you respond?

  1. Why only one? Go
  2. Why is that one thing God? Go