Aaron, red faced and tight lipped in anger, takes a step back from the door.

Aaron: How dare you say such a thing! I can't believe that you are treating me in this way! I have done nothing but try to show you the light and you ridicule me at every turn!

Well, I can see where your atheism has taken you! You are rude, mannerless, and without consideration for others. Perhaps if you were to turn away from your self-centeredness and let the light of God into your heart you would learn some kindness! Some humility!

I certainly hope that you are pleased with the life you have chosen for yourself, for memories of it will be all that you will have when you are burning in the fires of Hell for all eternity!

With this, Aaron turns has back to you and stomps away. You don't even have the opportunity to slam the door in his face.

Part of you is pleased that you have won the argument, that you were not forced to back down. But another part of you wonders if you didn't just cop out. Were you taunting him because you were afraid that he might ask a question that you couldn't answer? Was your jest just a substitute for a well-thought-out response?

Well, it really doesn't matter. What matters is that you know that you are right. Aaron was nothing but a religious nut and nothing you could say could have made any difference.

At peace with yourself, you return to the couch where you'll have the rest of the evening to yourself and you can read in peace.

The End