You: These men all lived many, many years ago. We know next to nothing about them personally, so we really cannot tell how intelligent or knowledgeable any of them were.

From the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas, for example, we can see that he was good at arguing his point, but eloquence alone does not make one correct. Descartes, as a second example, revolutionized the study of geometry and his cognito ergo sum is immortal, but I do not know how wise he proved to be on the subject of God's existence.

Aaron: It seems to me that you are discarding the beliefs of these great out of hand merely because you disagree with them.

You: On the contrary, I am not saying that these men were wrong, only that they are not necessarily correct. I will have to be shown their arguments and given a chance to work them over in my own mind before I can allow myself to be convinced that they prove the existence of God.

Aaron: Fair enough.