You: I would not want to argue that a tapeworm is beautiful or wonderful in any sense.

Aaron: I am not asking you to, I am merely saying that they fit into God's plan and therefore are beautiful.

You: But if everything that is wonderful is part of the plan, and everything that is not wonderful is at least beautiful, and everything that is not physically beautiful is at least beautiful because it is part of the plan, then I cannot say that things that are beautiful because they are part of God's plan are proof of God's plan because we have to know of the plan before we can insist that these things are beautiful. You are begging the question.

Aaron looks at you for a moment without speaking.

Aaron: You lost me somewhere back around the first comma. I cannot see any problem with my argument and, for that reason, cannot respond to your criticism. Please allow me to try another line of reasoning, one I am more comfortable with.