You: A perfect God would necessarily create a perfect universe. If he did any less, then I would not call him perfect. Imperfection implies a mistake on the part of the maker and an omniscient God could make no mistakes.

Because wonderful things in a perfect universe would have to be as wonderful as they could be, the wonderful things we see around us must have been created by natural processes or else they would not be perfectly wonderful. This leaves us with two possibilities: Either God created the universe and he caused wonderful things to be created naturally or God did not create the universe and natural things were created naturally. In either case, the result is the same and you cannot find proof for God's existence in things that would exist whether or not he did.

Aaron: That is an interesting argument, and a strong one, but you will find that it only supports my case. I agree that I may not be able to use necessary things to prove that God exists, but I can easily prove his existence with your own argument.