You: One could not form conclusions based on such an opinion. If I used your reasoning to convince myself to believe in God both because it may bring me rewards later and because making a decision on the matter might make me right, I would have gained only an empty "fact." Because I know how I got to that fact, any conclusions I reached using it would be dependent on me having made the right choice in the first place, and any decisions made on those decisions as well. It is truly too large a risk to take, when there are so many repercussions.

Aaron: What repercussions? What have you lost by believing in God?

You: If I were to convince myself to believe in God then I would lose my integrity. I would spend my time reading religious texts and performing ceremonies when that time could be better spent in the service of my community.

If I decided that the Bible was the word of God, then I would have to begin to question my own opinions of science and society. How would I resolve conflicts between what my mind tells me and what the Bible tells me? I cannot give that much of my free will up to a belief of convenience.