Aaron: I can understand that the perfection of the universe might escape you, or that the signs of God's creation of natural laws might be difficult for the untrained eye to discern, but there are certain facts that one cannot help but discover if one looks.

The world around us exists in a precarious balance. I do not mean to comment on the ease with that our planet might spin out of control into the sun or anything else on such a large scale, but, instead, on the balance that exists between all of God's creatures on Earth.

Trees and plants grow in the sunlight, deer and other wild things eat the plants and are themselves eaten by wolves and great cats. If the trees grow so big that they cut off sunlight to younger plants, or if deer strip the land of food, or the wolf hunts his prey to extinction, the chain is broken and many creatures perish.

Humans believe themselves autonomous, but we, like lower creatures, are dependent on the balance of nature for our survival. If the rains do not fall for a season, or animals become scarce, we will suffer. If enough links are broken, we too will die.

With so many ways in that the world could go wrong, does it not seem wonderful that it does not? Left to itself, any system breaks down; too much of this or not enough of that bring it grinding to a halt. Without a force to keep things in balance, the world would soon be undone by its own machinations, and the name of that balancing force is God.

How do you respond?

  1. There is no balance. Go
  2. Only an evil god could maintain such a balance. Go
  3. God is not doing such a good job, then. Go
  4. There is no balance, just an orderliness that seems balanced. Go
  5. Can God perform miracles? Go